Thursday, August 8, 2013

Checklist for Writing Manuscripts II

It is August. Yes. It means I'm suffering from migraine from reading student papers again. And to ease the pain I shall write about it once more and add to my Pet Peeves in Student Manuscripts. I last ended in No. 6 so now Dear Students Who Will Read This Post as Required Reading  if you do not want to incur my wrath when you have me check your manuscript, read and follow:

7. Equations not part of sentence (Irritation Level : 3 stars out of 5)
Equations should be treated as part of the sentence and NOT AS A FIGURE.
This is wrong:
"The hypotenuse of a triangle is shown in Equation 1. Here x is the length of the base and y is the height of the triangle.
h = sqrt { x^2 + y^2}   [1]"

This is right:
"The hypotenuse h of a triangle is given by
h = sqrt {x^2 + y^2}  [1]
where x is the length of the triangle's base and y is the height."

Need some higher authority to convince you to drop that habit? Here, read the Penn State's style for students guide on writing equations in reports.

8. Citation not part of sentence (Irritation Level : 3 stars out of 5)
Isn't it obvious that  if you write

"Such patterns appeared in the works of Rogers. [6] In other works the dominant texture is the set described by Joyce. [7] We have yet to see works on the patterns we found in the new artefact."

the references [6] and [7] appear to belong to the next sentence because they have been excluded by the period at the end of the previous sentence?

If you read journal papers at all and not just cite them blindly you'll be observant of the proper citation practice.


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